To make sure your account is safe & secure, make sure to:
- Register your account with a valid e-mail address. This will allow you to log in and load your progress if for some reason your device data is lost or you need to change to a new phone. You will also be able to receive a password reset link if you ever forget your password.
- Never share your password with anyone, even support. Support agents (nor anyone at Rage Quit Games) don't need your password to help you. Sharing your password with other people, whether they are friends or people offering you gems, points or fast progress, puts your account at risk. Losing control of your account through sharing your password may lead to your account being banned for hacks, modifications or 3rd party software use.
- Do not download the game from places other than Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Unofficial versions of the game can corrupt your account and/or get it banned.
- Do not purchase gems or other in-game items from unofficial sources. It usually requires you to give other people access to your account, which is risky in itself, but it most likely involves hacking or modding, which will put your account up for a ban.